
If you are a coffee lover, you might wonder, “Can I drink coffee after wisdom teeth removal?” 

Of course, you can enjoy your coffee again, but you must follow some crucial guidelines to avoid unnecessary complications. This article will explore when it is safe to drink coffee, the recommended beverages, and tips to ensure a smooth recovery.

How To Reduce Risk of Complications

Many people remove their wisdom teeth because of severe pain and infection. Drinking coffee immediately after surgery can cause these problems to recur, delaying recovery. 

Here are some tips for a safe and smooth healing journey:


  • Avoid hard or crunchy foods: Nuts, seeds, and chips can irritate the extraction site or get stuck in the wound, increasing the risk of infection.
  • Do not smoke: Smoking significantly increases the risk of infection and can delay healing. Avoid smoking for at least 72 hours or longer, depending on the dentist’s recommendation.
  • Avoid alcohol and very hot drinks: Alcohol can increase the risk of bleeding, while hot beverages after tooth extraction can scald the wound and cause irritation.
  • Keep the wound clean: Always ensure the extraction site is clean to reduce the risk of infection.


While these tips apply to everyone, your situation may be slightly different. That being said, follow your dentist’s instructions and aftercare guidelines carefully.

What to Eat and Drink After Tooth Removal

After wisdom teeth extraction, your mouth will be tender and sore, with one or more open wounds in your gums. 


You should avoid eating for the first few hours to allow your gums to form a blood clot that will help with the healing process. Once that is done, you should stick to the following items for the first couple of days:


  • Soft foods like mashed potatoes, yogurt, or scrambled eggs 
  • Warm soups and broths provide nutrients without irritating the wounds
  • Smoothies and milkshakes are your best beverages after wisdom teeth removal
  • Cool, soft treats like ice cream and sorbet can help soothe soreness and reduce swelling
  • Oatmeal or cream of wheat are soft, filling options great for transitioning back to regular foods

When Can I Drink Coffee After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

We always recommend waiting at least 24 to 48 hours after the procedure to allow for the initial healing process. This period also ensures the blood clot on the wound stays intact. 

After 48 hours, assuming you do not have complications like swelling or infection, you can resume your routine. You should maintain a safe temperature because drinking too much hot coffee could irritate the wound. Avoid using a straw and sip gently to prevent disturbing the dissolvable stitches.


Your post-wisdom teeth removal beverage options can determine your recovery time. While it is tempting to continue drinking your daily cup of coffee, waiting a few days before reintroducing it to your diet is crucial. If you have any concerns about your recovery, don’t hesitate to contact your dentist for personalized guidance. Do you have more questions about wisdom teeth removal or recovery? Get in touch with us today.