We Keep Your Kids Smiling

Children always feel comfortable visiting our warm, inviting office. We treat children as our own and hope you make our “dental home your own”.

Maintaining a growing child’s teeth at an early age is one of the most important steps in ensuring that your children grow up to have healthy teeth into adulthood. Great smiles are always developed at an early age.

Our children matter to us, and special care always has to be taken in guaranteeing their oral health. The Kakar Dental Group specializes in pediatric dentistry in Virginia, and we aim to provide your children with the best oral care that will guarantee smiles that will last a lifetime.

Why Does My Child Need a Pediatric Dentist in Fall Church, VA?

A pediatric dentist is a dentist that specializes in the care of your children’s teeth. Due to age, it is important that you go to a specialized dentist that can provide, not only therapeutic oral health care but comprehensive preventive dental services as well. They can take care of your child’s beautiful smile from infancy to adolescence, promoting good dental habits for many years to come.

For All Your Pediatric Dental Emergencies

Whether it be a toothache, broken tooth, a loose tooth or any, we provide specialized dental services for young teeth. These incidents can become very painful for your child and can be a cause for trauma. It is important that you take measures to ensure that their dental health is well taken care of. For any pediatric dental emergency, you may contact us for a prompt appointment to ensure that your child gets the proper dental care and their pain is kept to a minimum.

Kids Sedation Dentistry

When Is the Right Age?

Some parents put off taking their kids to the dentist because of age. According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, it is recommended that you take your child for his or her first checkup by the first birthday. By doing this you can ensure that you have laid out a good dental foundation for your child, and you can be informed of any potential dental issues to look out for.

We Put Your Kids First Because We Care

Some kids are afraid to go to the dentist, and we at Kakar Dental Group understand this. Our team of dentists and dental professionals, always aim to provide a fun experience for your children, in this way we can encourage good oral habits at an early age and eliminate the fear of going to the dentist. Who says visiting the dentist can’t be fun?

Oral Hygiene That Will Last Until Adulthood

Regular dental checkups encourage proper oral care at an early age; this is important in the development of your child’s teeth. Through our specially-trained team of medical professionals that specialize in pediatric dentistry in Virginia, we can properly encourage good dental habits for even greater smiles.

If you have any questions with regard to your child’s dental health or if you would like to schedule an appointment with us, please do not hesitate to contact us today. Our pediatric dentistry professionals will more than happy to assist you with your child’s proper oral health.