
Tips by Dr. Sonu Kakar, a Pediatric Dentist in Falls Church, to Help Your Child Avoid Bad Breath

Do you believe that your child is suffering from a dental issue like bad breath (Halitosis)? If yes, then it’s time for you to pay attention towards the oral health of your kid. You need to educate them about the importance of oral care routine and regularly monitor their eating habits. In addition to everyday brushing and flossing, here are some useful tips by Dr. Sonu Kakar to keep your kid’s breath smelling fresh all day long:

  1. Ask them to Drink Lots of Water: Dry mouth is one of the most common reasons behind bad breath (Halitosis). The role of saliva in the mouth is to serve as a continuous rinse cycle for the mouth. In the absence of an adequate amount of saliva, the mouth loses its freshness fast and results in bad breath. Therefore, ask your kid to drink lots of water, as water washes away leftover food particles and can dilute any foul-smelling chemicals or bacteria that may accumulate on gums and teeth.
  1. Ask them to Focus on Dental Hygiene: Poor dental hygiene is one of the lead causes behind the bad breath and other dental problems. Therefore, make your kids understand the importance of dental hygiene and encourage them to focus on everyday oral care routine. Make them brush their teeth twice a day and take them for routine dental checkups at least twice a year.
  1. Ask them to Eat Healthy Food: Food that your kids eat also contributes a lot in bad breath. The breakdown of leftover food in the mouth increases bacteria that can cause bad breath. Therefore, ask your kids to avoid or limit the consumption of certain food items that can cause foul breath. You can encourage them to eat fibrous food items such as apples, celery, pineapple, and carrots, that helps to clean teeth and naturally scrub away bacteria.
  1. Ask Your Kids to Chew Sugarless Gum: Chewing gum is good for oral hygiene because it stimulates saliva flow in the mouth, which further helps to remove acid and bacteria from lingering on the teeth. You can offer gum to your kid, but make sure a gum is not sweetened with sugar. This is because, if the gum is sweetened with sugar, then it will only feed bacteria that can cause plaque buildup and tooth decay. Put your preference on gum sweetened with xylitol, which has been proved to have more cavity-reducing efficacy compared with other sweeteners.

When you add these habits to your kid’s daily oral care routine, you can be rest assured about positive results. Creating an oral care routine for your child is extremely important because an achievable oral hygiene routine goes hand in hand with fresh breath and a healthy smile.

Along with these dental hygiene tips, it is also essential that you take your kids to a pediatric dentist for routine dental checkups at least twice a year. Bringing your kid to a pediatric dentist for a routine dental checkup will allow any developing issues to be caught and treated early, which can prevent these problems from worsening.

If you are a resident of Falls Church or nearby areas, then you can schedule your child’s next dental care appointment with Dr. Sonu Kakar. Dr. Sonu Kakar is an experienced pediatric dentist in Falls Church that offers various dental treatments to kids of all ages. To schedule an appointment over the phone, please call us at 703-534-1611, or you can also visit our official website


For Invisalign Treatment in Falls Church, Visit Kakar Dental Group Today

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment to straighten crooked, protruding, or misaligned teeth. Compared to other teeth straightening treatments, Invisalign is a more comfortable and easy-to-use treatment option to straighten your teeth effortlessly. Moreover, it does not hamper your everyday oral care routine; hence, you don’t need to worry about your dental health. If you have crooked, misaligned or gapped teeth, then here are some points that will help you decide whether you are an ideal candidate for Invisalign treatment or not.


  1. Structure of Your Teeth: It depends on the structure of your teeth that whether you are an ideal candidate for Invisalign treatment or not. Invisalign is designed to treat less severe cases of underbite, overbite, and crossbites. Also, it is used to effectively treat crowned and gapped teeth. It is always recommended to visit an experienced orthodontist such as Dr. Sonu Kakar in Falls Church for such treatment.
  2. What is Your Age: If you have lost all your baby teeth and have predominantly grown into adult teeth, then you are an ideal candidate for Invisalign treatment to straighten your teeth.  However, if you are a kid or a young teenager, then you should go for traditional braces because your teeth are still growing.
  3. Urgency of the Case: Invisalign is most commonly used to treat less severe and common dental problems such as crooked, misaligned, and crowded teeth. Depending on the urgency of the case, you may or may not be eligible for Invisalign treatment. If it is something serious, then your dentist will suggest other treatment options to straighten your teeth.
  4. Time Required for the Treatment: Invisalign is the most comfortable way to straighten your teeth, but you have to wear the aligners for a set number of hours every day, until the end of the treatment. So, you must invest enough time if you want to straighten your teeth using Invisalign. You can take them out at the time when you eat, drink, brush and floss.

Invisalign Experts in Falls Church only at Kakar Dental Group

If you have crooked, crowded, or misaligned teeth, and you want to straighten them using Invisalign, then feel free to contact orthodontist at Kakar Dental Group. We will examine your oral health and conclude whether you are an ideal candidate for Invisalign or not.

Based on the above points, if you are an ideal candidate for Invisalign, then feel free to contact us today. At Kakar Dental Group, we have a team of experienced dentists to offer you highly personalized dental treatments at affordable rates. For expert advice on Invisalign in Falls Church, please contact Kakar Dental Group at You can also call us at 703-534-1611 to schedule appointments over the phone.


Here are Some Useful Tips to Help You Find the Best Kid’s Dentist in Falls Church, VA

When you are in search of a pediatric dental clinic in Falls Church, you will come across hundreds of dental clinics in Falls Church and nearby areas. But the question is how you will recognize the best and the most reputable dental clinic among all that has a team of the most experienced and qualified dentists. There are plenty of things to consider when you are looking for a kid’s dentist, and here we share some useful tips to help you find the best kid’s dentist in Falls Church.

  1. ediatric Dentist Should be Kid-Friendly: This is the first and foremost quality that you need to look for in a pediatric dentist. Make sure that the dentist you select for your kid has the reputation of being gentle and polite towards their little patients. A friendly pediatric dentist who has good experience in dealing with children is more likely to react productively. A child-friendly pediatric dentist will also create a more relaxing and welcoming atmosphere so that the children may feel more secure and less anxious.
  2. Child-Centric Atmosphere: The sign of a good pediatric dental clinic is an emphasis given to the needs of young patients. In most cases, children are hesitant and resistant to their first dental visit. They usually need some support when they are anxious. Selecting a pediatric dentist who emphasizes on what kids need to get through their dental appointment is important. A dentist who allows parents to stay with their child during the appointment should be on the top of your list.
  3. Listens to Parents and Addresses their Concerns: Another quality of a great pediatric dentist is the way he/she addresses the parents’ concerns. Select an experienced pediatric dentist who is keen to address all the concerns and queries you may have, no matter how trivial they are.
  4. Really Cares About Child’s Oral Health: One more important quality of a pediatric dentist is the way how he/she shows interest in the oral health of your child. Good pediatric dentists usually share all the details of a child’s dental health with his/her parents. They also focus on educating their little patients about the importance of good oral health.

If you agree with the above-mentioned points, and need a dentist who qualifies in all the above criteria, then visit Kakar Dental Group today. Being one of the most reputable dental clinics for kids, Kakar Dental Group has the team of the best pediatric dentists in Falls Church.

Dr. Sonu Kakar, the principal pediatric dentist at Kakar Dental Group, has experience of working with children of all ages – from infancy to adolescence. His training involves treating pediatric patients under Nitrous Sedation, Conscious Sedation, and General Anesthesia. To know more about Dr. Sonu Kakar and pediatric dental treatments offered at Kakar Dental Group, please visit our official website at


Welcome to Kakar Dental Group; A Top-Rated Dental Clinic for Kids in Falls Church

You will come across plenty of kids’ dental clinics in Falls Church and nearby areas, but very few pediatric dental clinics are admired for offering professional dental treatments. Kakar Dental Group is among the few pediatric dental clinics in Fall Church that not only has the team of the most experienced pediatric dentists like Dr. Sonu Kakar, but they also have all the latest dental tools and technologies to make your kids dental visit a fun.

Conveniently located in the heart of Falls Church, Kakar Dental Group is one of the most reputable dental clinics for kids of all ages – from infancy to adolescence. Under the supervision and guidance of Dr. Sonu Kakar, various pediatric dental treatments are offered to kids in a friendly environment. From pediatric dental cleaning to pediatric dental filling, Kakar Dental Group is your one-stop-destination for all your kids’ dental care requirements. Pediatric dentists at Kakar Dental Group are trained to gently treat the kids developing teeth as they are well aware of the unique problems that a child faces during his/her early age.

Below are some pediatric dental treatments offered at Kakar Dental Group:

  1. Routine Dental Check-up: Everyday brushing is a good dental care habit, but visits to a dental clinic for routine oral check-ups can keep your teeth and gums protected from several dental problems such as gum diseases and tooth decay. When you visit a dental clinic for an oral check-up, it helps your dentist identify any potential symptoms of oral disorders at the early stages of its development.You can visit Kakar Dental Group for routine dental check-ups. During your dental check-up appointments, pediatric dentists at Kakar Dental Group will check for cavities, plaque, and tartar on your kid’s teeth. If any symptoms are found, suitable treatment will be suggested to keep your kid’s teeth and gums healthy.
  2. Pediatric Dental Filling: Tooth decay (also known as Dental Caries) is one of the most common oral problems that a kid can experience because of his/her eating habits. Excess consumption of sugary food leads to the growth of certain germs known as mutans streptococcus; hence, a professional dental filling is required to protect the teeth from decay, and also to avoid any further damage to gums. At Kakar Dental Group, we offer pediatric dental filling to restore the decayed tooth and to improve the function of the jaw for chewing and biting.
  3. Pediatric Dental Cleaning: Professional dental cleaning is not just about keeping your smile bright, but it also has a significant impact on overall dental health. Periodic dental cleaning is extremely important for kids because it protects their teeth and gums from unexpected dental problems. When you visit Kakar Dental Group for a dental cleaning, your teeth are cleaned and polished with special dental tools that thoroughly removes the dental film, traces of food, and plaque. Moreover, if there is any tartar or calculus build-up around your teeth, our dentist will perform a deeper cleaning with a scaling and root planning tool.

Apart from the above-mentioned dental treatments, Kakar Dental Group also offers plenty of cosmetic and restorative dental treatments in Falls Church. From teeth whitening to teeth straightening and from dental veneers to dental implants, Kakar Dental Group offers complete dental solutions to all the members in the family under one roof.  To know more about the pediatric dental treatments and cosmetic dental treatments offered at Kakar Dental Group, please visit our website at To schedule appointments for dental treatments, you can call us at 703-534-1611.


Protect Your Toddler’s Teeth: How Parents in Falls Church Can Prevent Tooth Decay

Is it really important to take care of baby teeth?

Many parents in Falls Church question this.  Assuming since a child’s primary teeth will eventually fall out, getting a cavity or needing an early extraction due to advanced decay isn’t a big deal.

The reality is, though, decay in toddlers can and should be prevented.

What causes decay in children? And what can you do to prevent your child from getting cavities?

Some of the Most Common Causes of Tooth Decay in Toddlers

We’re all at risk for decay. However, children are more at risk for a number of reasons.

First of all, at such a young age, they don’t have the ability to care for their teeth on their own. They have to rely on their parent or caretaker.

Second, children are at risk for decay because parents often don’t know about conditions like baby bottle tooth decay until it’s too late.

Third, while candy and other sweets are tempting to all of us, children don’t have quite as much self-control as adults when it comes to resisting sweet temptations.

How do these things lead to decay?

Decay is caused by bacteria in the mouth. Whenever we eat something with sugars – particularly simple carbohydrates like cake, candy, soda, and cookies – the bacteria in our mouths breaks down the sugar and forms an acid.

If the teeth aren’t brushed after eating these foods, the acid attacks the tooth enamel and causes a cavity.

A simple cavity is easy to fix with a filling. But if the decay is left unattended, the result could be decay which causes pain and results in needing to extract the tooth prematurely.

Removing a tooth before it’s supposed to come out can throw off a child’s bite. This can lead to shifting and crooked teeth and even make it difficult for the adult teeth to come in properly.

Another area of concern is infection. Decay, if left untreated, could lead to an infection – and could make your toddler very sick.

What Parents Can Do: 3 Steps to Prevent Childhood Tooth Decay

We’re sure you’ll agree – as parents, we want to do all we can to not only treat early decay, but prevent it if at all possible.

Here are just a few steps you can take to protect your child from decay.

1. Start Dental Home Care at an Early Age

When should you start caring for your child’s oral health? And when should you start teaching them how to brush and floss.

The answer is simple, as soon as possible.

Yes, this means we should start before our children even have any teeth.

After the child eats or drinks, gently wipe their gums with a damp washcloth.

When the baby teeth start to show themselves, invest in a child-sized toothbrush and brush those pearly whites after every meal. If you’re unable to do this, try to brush at least twice a day, particularly at night before they go to bed.

And as soon as their teeth start to touch, start flossing their teeth.

2. Don’t Put Your Child to Bed with a Bottle

This is a tough one. Bottles with warm milk often help our babies doze off to sleep.

However, this leads to baby bottle tooth decay.

It doesn’t take long for the bacteria and acid to start attacking the teeth. Many babies put to bed with their bottle end up with rampant decay.

If your child can’t sleep without their bottle, make sure you avoid milk, formula, or juice. Just stick with water.

3. Monitor Your Child’s Sugar Intake

Sugary foods are the number one cause of decay.

Limit the amount of candy, juice, and other sugary foods your child eats.

But the danger doesn’t stop there.

Limit dried fruit (it can stick in the teeth and cause cavities) and juices as well. If you do give fruit and juice to your child, try to limit the amount and brush or rinse after eating/drinking them.

Regular Visits to a Pediatric Dentist – an Important Part of the Puzzle

As a parent, you play an important role in preventing childhood tooth decay. However, you’re not alone.

Our pediatric dental office is here to help.

With regular visits to our pediatric dental office, you can show your child from a very early age just how important it is to see their dentist.

Each time your child comes in for a visit, we will do a complete exam, clean their teeth, and show them how to take care of their teeth at home.

Together, we can show your child the importance of consistent dental home care practices and protect them from childhood decay.

To learn more about preventing tooth decay in your child, contact us today for an appointment.


4 Home Dental Care Tips to Put into Practice

Our teeth are an important part of our anatomy, but they’re often overlooked. This is, of course, until they start giving us some problems.

Dental issues – especially those which cause pain – aren’t something any of us want to go through. But it’s especially heartbreaking when our children end up in pain or losing teeth because of decay.

Thankfully, parents in Falls Church can take steps to ensure their children’s teeth remain healthy.

But first, let’s consider some of the reasons why dental home care is so important.

Why Proper Dental Care Is So Important for Families in Falls Church

Our children’s teeth – even though they will eventually fall out – are vital. They allow children to chew food properly, which contributes to healthy digestion.

Primary teeth also act as space maintainers, allowing the adult teeth to enter the mouth in the optimal places. Losing teeth prematurely can lead to crooked and even impacted permanent teeth – both of which will cause problems down the road, costing discomfort and money to fix.

As soon as the teeth come in, they’re at risk for decay.

Even before the teeth come in, we can prevent bacterial and fungal infections by wiping their gums down with a damp washcloth after their meals.

Once the teeth do come in, start brushing regularly. Otherwise, both the primary and permanent teeth are at risk for infection and decay. This can result in a lot of pain for your little ones.

4 Dental Home Care Tips to Put into Practice Daily

Here are some dental home care practices to teach your child to do regularly.

1. Proper Brushing Technique

Most people (this includes both children and adults) don’t brush properly. They brush vigorously in a back and forth motion, but this doesn’t remove plaque very well.

Additionally, they don’t brush for a long enough period of time.

Brushing should take three to five minutes. This can be difficult for little ones who have a very short attention span. But you can make this job fun by playing some music or turning brushing into a game.

Also, make sure to show your kids how to brush properly.

Start off with a toothbrush designed for a child’s tiny mouth and make sure the bristles are soft. Hard bristles wreak havoc on gum tissue. Gently brush using a circular motion, focusing the bristles at the gum line. This is where plaque tends to build up the most.

Brush the front, back, and tops of teeth using less than a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. Then, rinse thoroughly.

2. Start Flossing at a Young Age

Flossing has a two-fold purpose. It is necessary for cleaning food and plaque out from between the teeth, as well as keeping these things out of the gum pockets.

As soon as your child’s teeth touch, flossing should be done once a day, preferably at night.

The best way to floss is called the C-shaped technique. This technique allows the floss to slide down between the teeth and into the gum pocket to clean it out well.

3. Brush Teeth Twice a Day

In addition to ensuring your child brushes long enough, make sure they brush at least twice a day. It’s preferable to brush after every meal. However, this is not always possible. Therefore, make brushing first thing in the morning and at night before bed a daily habit.

4. Keep Sugary Treats to a Minimum

Besides brushing and flossing, the best way to minimize the risk of decay is to reduce the amount of sugary foods our children consume. This includes soda, candies and cakes, and dried fruits.

The bacteria in our mouth feed off of sugars and turn them into acids, which eat away at the enamel, causing decay.

When your child consumes sugary foods, make sure they brush their teeth as soon as possible afterward.

Start Dental Home Care Steps from Day One for Best Results

When should you start taking care of your children’s teeth? The answer is: from day one.

As your children grow, teach them how and why to properly brush and floss their teeth. Doing so will make dental home care a habit which they will carry on into adulthood.

And make sure to keep dental home care fun for them, too. When our kids have fun they’re more likely to stick with it. And when it comes to something as important as their dentition – we want to do all we can to ensure they pick up and practice healthful habits from day one.

Contact us today or schedule an appointment to ensure a long your child has a long lasting healthy smile.

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